Marital Dissolution Agreements and Division of Assets
We Have Years of Experience Handling Extensive and Complicated Property Divisions. At the termination of a marriage the parties must divide property acquired during that marriage. Often this process is simple. On other occasions, however, this process is complex. It can be accomplished through an agreement often times referred to as a MDA, or it can be left in the hands of the Judge or Chancellor.
In Tennessee, most property acquired after the marriage is considered martial property, which is evenly and fairly divided during a divorce. Property obtained prior to a marriage is considered separate property, if it remains separate. These concepts, while seemingly simple, can often be subject to interpretation and require an attorney who is familiar with the legal intricacies to ensure your property is fairly divided.
Complicated assets, tracing issues as the source of funds used to acquire the assets, business interests, professional practices, retirement plan benefits and personal investments are all issues that can arise making the process more difficult.
We addresses these determinations with the utmost care. It is essential to value businesses, pensions, residential and commercial real estate, household furnishings and jewelry. Our firm has years of experience handling extensive and complicated property divisions. In addition, we have close relationships with the finest experts in various fields who aid in the valuation process that becomes the focus of many complex property divisions.